+1. It boils my proverbial when product people preach about being 'data-led', imbuing some arbitrary datum with magical, eternal truth. In reality, every business decision is subjective - it's just a question of the breadth, currency and neutrality of the data being used. Too often it's a narrow take by the most dominant person involved, with little or no regard given to other perspectives. I don't know why anyone ever thought you could drive business from a spreadsheet, knowing how unreliable most spreadsheet models are ;)

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"It boils my proverbial when product people preach about being 'data-led', imbuing some arbitrary datum with magical, eternal truth. In reality, every business decision is subjective"

Couldn't have said it better:)

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This realization and the overall quality of data both make it a real challenge. I recently had a call with a person who was so hung up on data looking a certain way that they did not understand the depth of data from a paid source like Crunchbase. The pieces of the data asked for would never have driven any decision making because they were disjointed.

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Spot on Sriram!

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needs more images

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